Regardless of your age or health, routine eye exams are essential to promote wellness and good health for you and your family. Your optometrist can readily identify if corrective lenses are required, or if a medical condition is apparent through observation and testing.
The Eye Exam:
– Questions regarding your general health, followed by an eye examination, will properly diagnose if there is a sight problem or evident health conditions. Your optometrist professional will provide you with a detailed explanation, as well as recommended corrective action. Work and school can both be affected by poor eyesight. Often individuals do not recognize that they do in fact have eye problems, especially children.
– Diagnose eye alignments, structural issues, medical and visual problems through testing
– Prescribe corrective glasses and contact lenses if necessary.
– Provide professional medical referrals as required.
Eye Diseases in the Early Stages: – Often it is the eye care professional that detects chronic systemic diseases and some medical conditions. These conditions will often affect your eyesight and can include high blood pressure, cataracts, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more.
Diagnose Eye Disease Early: – Identifying eye conditions and/or medical conditions that can affect you for the rest of your life. Early prevention and correction is always the right answer.
Updating Current Prescriptions Regularly: – Update your current prescriptions, as your vision and medical conditions can change from year to year.
Appointments: It is easy to book an appointment with your optometrist to fit your busy schedule. Flexibile hours are available during most week days and on the weekend.
To schedule your eye exam at Mississauga, or schedule an appointment contact: Trillium Eye Care at 905-607-8533 or e-mail info@